The artwork of Pose 2 brings a liveliness, a prestige, and an overall attractiveness that enhances any home, business, or studio. Quality, imagination, timeliness, and customer satisfaction are the codes that Pose2 stands behind. Conceptualizing your ideas and realizing your dreams is his specialty. Any surface, flat or 3D, of any size can be painted in any location by using materials and industrial spray equipment that allow for almost any project you can imagine. Pose 2 is a professional and an innovator within the graffiti and street art industry.
The artwork of Mr. Maxx Moses promotes an environment of longevity, growth, wholeness, and spiritual well-being. The viewer is instilled with an overall feeling of peace and serenity as they derive the value of his paintings. Awareness centers, therapeutic facilities, and spas embellished with this artist's work have received awards for beautification, experienced increased enrollment, and inspired several published articles. As a professor, his curriculum is innovative, engaging, and geared toward student success. Mr. Maxx Moses’s insightfulness inspires young minds while his experience motives people to act. His encouragement sustains the discouraged and guides them towards achievement.
For inquires about projects, collabs, murals, or commissions
call (619)-416-4832
instagram @Maxxmoses777
facebook Pose2 is Mr.maxxmoses