Archive for March, 2013

Talk is Cheap…Lets Paint

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

This week Maxx Moses had the opportunity to host a workshop with the students of High Tech High School in San Diego. Throughout the week these students travelled to art infested neighborhoods studying and photographing this living art form titled Street Art. The students last stop on the journey was with Mr Maxx Moses and […]

MAXX MOSES does Yoga

Wednesday, March 20th, 2013

Since moving to California in 2006 has been home for Maxx Moses’s mental physical and spiritual yoga practice. I am renewing my commitment to yoga and this yoga center with the revival mural project-taking place NOW. Spring is here and there’s a lot of painting on deck so get ready IMMA COLOR YOUR WORLD…Enjoy

Maxx Moses and Miguel Angel Godoy

Monday, March 4th, 2013

Liquid Harmony 2 2012 ended with Maxx Moses and Miguel Angel Godoy collaborating on an amazing mural project Liquid Harmony 2. This is the second edition to the already existing mural they created back in 2010 with Todd Stands. A portion of the San Diego 62nd street trolley station was reconstructed and sections of the […]

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