Since moving to California in 2006 has been home for Maxx Moses’s mental physical and spiritual yoga practice. I am renewing my commitment to yoga and this yoga center with the revival mural project-taking place NOW. Spring is here and there’s a lot of painting on deck so get ready IMMA COLOR YOUR WORLD…Enjoy
Back in 2004, while still living in Philadelphia, a writer named Sew and myself began teaching classes at the Hawthorne recreation center. Back in the day you had mentors or crews to lean on to help you develop your style… Almost ten years strong and the other side of the country…Aerosol Technology flows on.
Momentum 2010 Wow 2010 has been a year of pure non-stop creative flow… and it’s been a challenge just keeping up with writing my blog. But before I begin to embark upon all that is about to happen let me update you all to what has gone down since me last update. In July I […]