Good Morning America… WAKE UP Time

Friday, January 10th, 2014

PRESS RELEASE: “ GOOD MORNING AMERICA “ SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE ART GALLERY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 8, 2014 Contact: Vallo Riberto 619-421-6700 ext. 5383 “ GOOD MORNING AMERICA “ OPENING RECEPTION, SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE ART GALLERY, 5:300 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, JANUARY 30, 2014 With a special closing party 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, […]

Maxx Moses Solo Exhibition

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

Good Morning America Good Morning America is a collection of paintings by Mr. Maxx Moses designed to shine light on the red white and Blues of the “American Dream”. This collection of paintings will be a departure from his dreamy palatable abstract expressions. they will disturb your emotions and evoke the taboo. This historical interpretation […]

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