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Pose 2 and the MadCow WildStyle Graffiti Cow

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

Moo news The “mad cow wild style” is one of many cows that were painted in April/May 2009 for the La Jolla street sculptures project and created by Pose 2 aka Mr. Maxx Moses. There were at least 20 various artists that participated in painting the cows, which was done specifically as a fundraiser for […]

Culture Shock San Diego presents the dance theatrical “Graffiti Life: The Color of my Sole”

Monday, May 4th, 2009


fab lab rocks laser graffiti, with graffiti art students!

Sunday, November 30th, 2008

Wow is what I have to say about last weekends adventure at the 43rd street, farmers market where the students from the San Diego Art Academy, Graffiti the art form class, were invited to participate with the Fab Lab. Fab Labs, or Fabrication Laboratories, are located around the globe, everywhere from rural India, where community […]

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