¬¬Beauty and the Beast The wise ones say, when duality is dissolved and what appears to be separate and in opposition is realized as being one, life will be a continues flowing stream of joy and natural highness … But before this sense of balance is created…we must experience the extreme! On September 26,2009, Mid […]
Wow is what I have to say about last weekends adventure at the 43rd street, farmers market where the students from the San Diego Art Academy, Graffiti the art form class, were invited to participate with the Fab Lab. Fab Labs, or Fabrication Laboratories, are located around the globe, everywhere from rural India, where community […]
Oct of 2008 The American University of Dubai invited Albus Cavus a New Jersey Based Artist Collective to do a workshop and collaborative mural with its art students. Once we arrived on campus I knew we where in for a treat. Faculty members Roberto and Mike were excited to have us and were giving us […]
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