Wednesday, August 21st, 2013 at 9:31 am
July 2013 was filled with travel and art galore. Wall Therapy hosted By Ian Wilson, the Yard collective and 1975 galleries was definitely a highlight of the summer. Who would know that Rochester, the city that Change and Pose 2 pioneered spray paint culture back in the early 80’s would now host such a dynamic art event? Thirty international Street Artist were invited to create over 50 murals in one week, it was a phenomenon. The days were long hot and packed with painting and at the end of each day I was truly exhausted but once we all gathered together to eat dinner the energy of all these creative souls electrified and inspired me beyond my weariness.
I had the grand opportunity to work along side Binho, from San Paulo Brazil, Change my first collaborative partner, and Range FUA, who lives in Rochester and grew up watching us Paint. This collaboration exists along the El Camino trail on East Ridge road, behind Salvador’s Pizza.
Once I received an invitation to paint at Wall Therapy I began to reflect and realize it was thirty years ago that I was a student at SUNY Brockport College, pledging a Fraternity, Airbrushing at All Day Sunday during the day and bombing the streets of Rochester at night. So returning to Rochester after all this time was monumental. The eighties was a significant time in my life, Hip Hop culture was in its pioneering stage and on the other side of the coin was the birth of Crack. We were the ones who shifted the paradigm within the social fabric of America; Rap music made you listen and Graffiti made you look. 30 years later and the art has gotten bigger bolder and even more exposure. In the words of Biz Markie “Dam it feels good to see people up on it”
detail of pose2
Tags: AERSOL ART WITH STUDENTS, bboy bbq, big murals, el camino trail, FX Fx cru, graffiti, graffuturism, international art, Maxx Moses, mural, painting, pose2, projects, rochester new york, spiritual, spray painter, subway art, transformational, travel, wall theraypy
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