Museum Of Public Art
“The Final Touch”
As mentioned in the first part of this blog post Kevin Harris, invited Pose 2 about a year ago to. June 14th was the day I arrived in Baton Rouge ready to paint the Museum of Public Art. I’d just come of a 30 day fast from spray painting, (I wanted to give my lungs a break from the fumes) and was hungry to get back in the flow. Initially Kevin Harris wanted me to do a solo project on a wall that was 60×16 feet, so that’s what I was preparing for. Then he had a change of plans. ChorBoogie a long time friend and collaborator had begun painting a huge Wildstyle, Pharaoh in the center of the wall leaving the two sides incomplete. Kevin really enjoyed the collaborations between chorBoogie and Maxx Moses and felt it would be awesome to see this chemistry reunited once again. As I prepared for this project I was considering, what would work well with this dynamic centerpiece? The solution was simple letters; only letters could complement this wall and give it “The Final Touch. “ I recognized that Kevin invited Pose 2 and this identity is known for doing unusual letters. This has to be the biggest Pose 2 piece I’ve ever done and in doing this I reached back to some old sketches for inspiration. This collaboration is special for us because it symbolizes a tribute to our artistic lineage as Writers of Modern Hieroglyphics and our ancestry as the original kings of this Planet, The Pharaoh.
Once all the painting was done I contacted Chor and asked him what was the deal with the angry Pharaoh and he said “nah man he’s not angry but balanced another form of releasing inner rage or inner happiness… like Kali, expresses screams with the tongue out as well, that’s why one half is a mind explosion of colors the other half is the realistic aspect but two together creates this form of balance, a perspective that screams all sorts of feelings.”
There are no coincidences in this life. I ran into Chor the other day in the T-Mobile store and he had hieroglyphics tattooed on his neck… and there I was attempted to read them but couldn’t quite make out what it said…I guess I have more studying to do Earth Center, ill be back soon.
The Earth Center is a school for Kemetic (Egyptian) spirituality and philosophy.
Museum of Public Art
“The beginning”
Towards the end of 2012 the Director of the Museum Of Public Art, Kevin Harris, contacted me. He was interested in having Pose 2 Come to Baton Rouge LA. to paint a mural. Kevin was the process of having some of the most internationally celebrated spray painters come to Baton Rouge to do murals. This all began with Kevin Harris an avid art appreciator and James Top, Subway Art legend.
During one of Kevin’s many traveling adventures he landed in New York and became fascinated with all the art on the streets. Hungry to photograph but limited time, Kevin needed a guide to get him directly to the heart and soul of New Yorks Spray Paint Culture. James Top agreed to be Kevin’s ambassador to New York and upon there first meeting James Top insisted first and foremost that Kevin should have a history lesson about the culture of Writing, he wanted Kevin to have a sincere appreciation and respect for what he would be photographing, so they sat down at the Port Authority Bus Station in Times Square, James opened his book and a kinship was forged. They spent a huge amount of time in the Bronx where Kevin to a liking to the works of King Bee.
It was James Top who suggested to Kevin that king Bee, Part and himself, take a trip to Baton Rouge to paint a wall. Kevin agreed and Baton Rouge hasn’t been the same since. The doors have now opened the for the Museum of Public Art, where international Writers Like Smug, Belin, Jimmy C, Chemis, Odeith, The Tats cru, Does and Case have all blessed the place.
kevin, by Smug and Belin
neighborhood woman, by Jimmy C
Does, does his thing
Smug paints Belin
Kevin Harris
San Antonio Texas, is where the 2013 Contents under Pressure was held. Thanks to the good people at the Paint Yard and Pilot Fx, the event was a huge success. It was so great to paint again with my FX Crew Members again… its been too long. Big Shouts to Mek, Hef, Taste, Smug, Such, Muse, Hex, Poem. Also cant forget my CBS family as well, it was a blast… enjoy the photos and the video attached… take a look at that big ole cinnamon roll…lol
also enjoy the time lapse attached…
INTERNAL WARFARE… in search of a cure
Maxx Moses
When James Lowder, of Prometheus, contacted me to create a painting for the companies trade show in June I didn’t know what to expect. Upon our first meeting he shared his knowledge about cancer and explained how cancer cells invade the body and trick the healthy cells to take on the self-destructive cancerous virus. Listening to Jim speak was fascinating, he talked about Prometheus, the company and the process of immunotherapy, which stimulates the immune system into overdrive to help fight cancer. While dissecting his conversation I discovered an interesting correlation between Cancer, a known disease that millions of people are dying from and colonialism. Humanity is suffering from internal and external warfare. For at least the last 2013 years the power of the gun has determined the destiny of our civilization. An honest look at the disease and warfare that plague humanity should reveal that the concept of power as a means of survival is self-destructive. Has the influence of war become so infectious that we ourselves can’t recognize it as a disease? When killing one group of people for the supposed benefit of another is deemed justifiable what have we become? Inside of the body this is recognized as Cancer. Hence the notion of my correlation between Colonialism and Cancer the micro macro war upon humanity.
Before James and I solidified the financial details for the painting, my mind raced onto visual concepts of an internal war of colors layered with texture depth and contrast. Jim sent me countless videos on cancer and immunotherapy, which helped influence my ideas. I began to read the European, medical researchers accounts about Ancient Egypt’s study of Cancer and their testimony stated that the Egyptians, (an highly advanced society) were very aware of cancer and resolved that there was no cure for the disease. I thought and asked myself if Egypt, this advanced society couldn’t cure cancer, could we cure it? I have always been a seeker and presently I am a student at the Earth Center, a school dedicated to Kemetic (Egyptian) philosophy and spirituality. As I thought more about my correlation I reflected upon one of my first semesters classes based on the principles of Good and Evil. In class we learned that evil is the most dynamic and powerful force in the universe, it is indestructible it cannot be killed only contained. Wow I thought this sounds much like Cancer. We also learned that Evil can change its shape and form at will and has the capability to spread rapidly. Ironically Jim expressed how intelligent Cancer was, that often medicines do work to stop its growth but unfortunately Cancer has the ability to transform mutate and out smart medicine and therefore may continue to spread within the body. As Jim continued to explain Immunotherapy and the process of healing cancer, the premonition of my correlation gained more relevance. Jim summarized our conversation by stating that once cancer enters the body (outside of cutting it out) the best that can actually be done is to contain the cancer to a specific area of the body. Similar to what the ancient Egyptians said about evil, its a powerful force that cannot be killed, only contained.
Armed with an inspired filled mind I immediately sought out David Lasher from ECOR, an environmental company specializing in recycled materials. Within 30 minutes of arriving at the ECOR show room Abby and I designed the panels for the Prometheus mural. I wanted the panels to have depth and structure built into them.
The materials that ECOR provided allowed me to infuse inlayed 3-d effects that gave the impression of cells. How cool is that? My next challenge was to develop a creative process, in order to obtain the look and feel of transparency I knew my methods had to remain organic and the painting effortless. In one of my latest sketching sessions I drew some organic matter that I thought would work well for 1/3 of the painting. Once ECOR delivered the panels I photographed them and made a color copy. I completed my original drawing upon the copy and although only 1/3 of the sketch was complete I realized what my over all process would be, “Organic Technology”… I was ready to begin.
Each day of painting would be effortless, nothing would be over worked, not a single line. Once the days painting was complete I would photograph the outcome, make a digital print and then draw upon the copy for the following days painting. Fortunately I was given enough creative freedom that I didn’t have to present a finished sketch before painting. I thoroughly enjoyed this process it was as organic and fluid as the human body, while keeping me totally engaged, day and night.
My life as an artist is filled with introspection and resolution. I learn my craft and the world around me through my creativity. Occasionally a project appears that offers me an opportunity’s to explore new materials and create new processes. Most importantly are the people we meet along the way whom spark our intelligence and in some strange way our life’s experiences get woven together warmly and all the abstract pieces contrast so beautifully together. Upon this happening you gain clarity, your life’s purpose and all that you are doing makes sense.
Refusing to face reality doesn’t eliminate it, but simply turns the refusing human being into a primitive animal on Earth. –Master Naba
The two people I really enjoy painting with till this day are Isaias Crow and Werc Alvarez. If you know anything about San Diego’s Mural Art scene you must recognize Chicano Park, first and foremost. This historic landmark is the cornerstone for culture in southern California. In 2006 I had the opportunity to collaborate with fellow artist Werc and Crol to create a mural titled Synergy within Chicano Park. During this phase of our careers we were very focused on planning and drawing everything out before painting.
2013 brings a new energy and a new approach. The “WestCoasting” Tour has begun; Crol Werc and Maxx Moses are traveling up the California coastline to collaborate with numerous artists to produce large-scale murals. One of our first priorities on this tour was to redo the Synergy wall that had been badly damaged do to construction. However we didn’t want to just fix the Mural we wanted to create an entirely new concept. We all consider ourselves very fortunate and grateful for our creative gifts, so we decided to dedicate this project to all those who have come before us and honor them for what they bestowed upon us. Therefore we titled the wall “Ancestors.”
This week Maxx Moses had the opportunity to host a workshop with the students of High Tech High School in San Diego. Throughout the week these students travelled to art infested neighborhoods studying and photographing this living art form titled Street Art. The students last stop on the journey was with Mr Maxx Moses and he shared his rich legacy of street bombing which he now calls Concrete Alchemy.
“It was good sharing the knowledge and my experiences with these students but what I really wanted them to experience was spray painting.” And that they did…Tania Jabour, the teacher states the students so enjoyed meeting you. I could tell they were really tuned in to hearing about your experiences and perspectives, and they LOVED painting. Everything about our experiences yesterday exceeded our expectations. So thank you-
Take a look at their entire week on tumblr…
Since moving to California in 2006 has been home for Maxx Moses’s mental physical and spiritual yoga practice. I am renewing my commitment to yoga and this yoga center with the revival mural project-taking place NOW. Spring is here and there’s a lot of painting on deck so get ready IMMA COLOR YOUR WORLD…Enjoy
Liquid Harmony 2
2012 ended with Maxx Moses and Miguel Angel Godoy collaborating on an amazing mural project Liquid Harmony 2. This is the second edition to the already existing mural they created back in 2010 with Todd Stands. A portion of the San Diego 62nd street trolley station was reconstructed and sections of the mural removed to make the trolley station handicap accessible. Miguel and Maxx both were pleased to return to re-paint, this time its even more vivid and more visible to the trolley riders Miguel exclaims.