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Maxx Moses Lands in Brooklyn

Friday, October 8th, 2010

Maxx Moses adds beauty in Williamsburg Brooklyn Was it pose 2 or Maxx Moses that invaded Williamsburg Brooklyn this may? Well it all started in 2008 with the concrete alchemy tour… with Albus Cavus when we invaded BK for the first time in years… and I believe we made a huge impact. Well since that […]

Keep it movin

Friday, October 8th, 2010

Momentum 2010 Wow 2010 has been a year of pure non-stop creative flow… and it’s been a challenge just keeping up with writing my blog. But before I begin to embark upon all that is about to happen let me update you all to what has gone down since me last update. In July I […]

Education Observation

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

Education Observation For a brief period of time throughout my artistic career my financial success had been based largely upon doing commercial work, mural sign painting for companies like Reebok Heineken Adidas and more. Throughout 2004 and 2005 these projects consumed the majority of my time and creativity. Once moving the California in 2006 the […]

San Diego Trolley station turns into Liquid Harmony

Sunday, June 6th, 2010

Liquid Harmony This March 2010, SEDC commissioned collaborating Artists Todd Stands, Miguel Godoy and myself Maxx Moses aka Pose 2, to embark upon a 400 long 1600 square foot mural titled liquid Harmony located at the 62nd Street/Encanto trolley station. As we developed our concepts for the wall it became evident that our goals were […]

The Butterfly Effect…POSE 2

Monday, February 8th, 2010

Since moving to California, in 2006, my life and my art has constantly been changing and growing. Most of my growth as a painter has been seen on walls throughout the streets of America and across the world, within books movies and magazines. Lately a lot of my appreciators have been asking me about my […]

Art For the Homeless, Part 1

Sunday, January 24th, 2010

RESPONSE – ABILITY Art For The HOMELESS “Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moccasins”. This Cheyenne proverb exemplifies my journey for the year 2009. June 7th was the date that I packed up my apartment put everything in storage and began traveling as a nomad from east to west […]

leon Rainbow and Pose 2 get 3rd Rail

Monday, December 28th, 2009

graffiti snowboarding

POSE 2 billboard Public or Private ?

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

This is the first time i felt compelled to create something with some social political content. i felt really good to move outside of my normal realm of creativity and paint something that spoke to the existence of people who are less fortunate.

Yonkers Gets Love Painted

Sunday, December 13th, 2009

the creative love

2009 The Goodness pt 1

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

The year 2009 has been filled with and onslaught of incredible projects and the meeting wonderful people. The 2008 year ended with the injury of my dad when he fell and broke his hip… so I returned to New York to spend some time with him during his healing process… As of today at 81 […]

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